Allen, Glenn, 1998. Foundations for a Socially Responsible Business: A Conceptual Business Plan.
Gagnon, Paul, 1998. Local Knowledge and Degrees of Indigenousness: Ethnobotanical Lore among the Esmeralderos of the Cayapas-Mataje National Mangrove Reserve of Northwestern Ecuador.
Mastilovic, Jelena, 1998. Linkages between Urbanization and Urban Development Policy in Indonesia.
Rhee, Steve, 1999: Deploying Discourses and Articulating Representations Community Forestry as a Locus to Strengthen, Negotiate and Contest the Constellations of Power.
Kostishack, Peter, 2000: Management and Manipulation of Community Forests in Eastern Bolivia.
Djalins, Upikwira, 2000: Adat Community as a Site of Power Exercise Reconstructing Adat in the Struggle for Rights of Ownership to Land in Pesisir Krui, West Lampung.
Heyck-Williams, Shannon, 2000: The UNDP’s Human Development Index: An Incomplete Measure of Human Well-Being.
Lentz, Christian, 2001. Conflicting Interpretations of Calamity: El Niño Drought and Economic Shock.
Padwe, Jonathan, 2001. Indigenous movements in Bolivia.
Susanto, Mochammad Luthfi, 2001.
Hays, Cassie, 2002. Framing a House of Cards: The Ethnic Ace of Spades in Community Conservation.
Coffey, Kevin, 2003. Crop Replacement, Adaptation, and a Tradition of Change: The History of Cabbage Production in a H’mong Village.
De Silva, Naamal, 2003: The Impact of Sea Turtle Hatcheries on Local Communities in Sri Lanka.
Anand, Nikhil, 2004. Thinking Activities: Realizing Biodiversity Discourses in India.
Granoff, Ilmi Muhaiyaddeen Elijah, 2004: Boat-building on the Arapiuns: Prospects for Participatory Management.
Iiyama, Yasuko, 2004. The Environmental Impact of the World Bank’s Community Development Program in Indonesia.
Woods, Kevin, 2004. The Political Ecology of Ceasefires in Kachin State, Burma.
Pengsopha, Kaisone, 2005: Poverty Study of a Hmong Ethnic Group: A Case Study at Vanghua Village, Toulakhom District, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR
Bassani, Lisa, 2006. Negotiating State Boundaries and the State ‘Domain’: A Case Study in Conservation and Development in Panama
Hicks, Emily, 2006. The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Exploring its Impact Beyond the Waves.
Keleman, Alder, 2006. Crop Diversity in a Time of Change: A Case Study In Native Crop Maintenance in Sonora, Mexico.
Patel, Krupa, 2006. Reconstructing the Political Boundary in the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation and Resource Area.
Simmonds, Caroline, 2006. Questioning the Road: the Social Landscape of the Bakili Muluzi Highway, Malawi.
Benson, Catherine, 2007. Appropriation, Conceptions, Conservation: The Interaction of NGOs, Protected Areas, people, and Place in Papua New Guinea.
Berendt, Scott, 2007. Introduction of BT Cotton in Mali: Analysis of the Socio-Political Discourse.
Manickam, Mira, 2008. They Were Your’s All Along: Finding Dignity in Poverty in Thailand’s Troubled Pattani Province.
Shmidt, Yuliya, 2008. Effects of Tourism and Conservation: Processes of Delocalization in Tikal National Park, Guatemala.
Conti, Vin, 2008. (Population Density and Environmentalism Among Indigenous Peoples).
Takaki, Norio, 2009. The Emergence of Trash Picker Cooperatives in Brasilia and the Challenges to Good Governance in Waste Management.
Selby, Meg, 2009. The Exhibitry of Conservation: Finding Red Ruffed Lemur.
Collier, William, 2010. Political Ecology of Agricultural Development and Food Security in Rift Valley, Kenya, 1880-2009.
Frieberg, Justin, 2010. The Urban Foodshed Collaborative Case Study.
Hawkes, Katie, 2010. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Indonesia.
Moore, Fran, 2010. Defining Adaptation: Creating Knowledge in a New Area of Climate Change Policy.
Derrington, Erin. 2011. Protecting Drinking Water Quality for Human and Environmental Health: Assessing Efforts to Ensure Safe Drinking Water in the United States.
Li, Aitong. 2011. The Paradoxical Power: Conservation and Development on the Tibetan High Plateau.
Reed, Pablo. 2011. REDD+ and the Indigenous Question: A Case Study from Ecuador. Forests 2, no. 2: 525-549.
Busch, Kyra. 2012. Innovating Curriculum for Food, Justice, and the Environment.
Krishnan, Lakshmi. 2012. Perspectives on Relocation and Conservation from a Tiger Reserve in Central India, Kanha.
D’Souza, Shereen. 2012. Carbon Market Co-Benefits? A Case Study Analysis of the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project.
Fogerite, Julia. 2013. Spirits in the Strangler Fig.
Heindel, Naomi C. 2013. A Changing Balance: Logging, Stewardship, and Participation in James Bay, Quebec.
Lord, Austin. 2014. MESc. Citizens of a Hydropower Nation: Turbulence, Territory, and Mobility at the Frontier of Hydropower Development in Nepal. (Fulbright Fellow).
Baker, Dana. 2015. MESc. Various Visions of Nature: Foraging, Fishing and Paradox in the Restoration of Urban Nature. The Case of New York City. (Fox Fellow).
Casson, Sarah. 2015. MESc. Climate Resilience and Shifting Monsoons: Agricultural Adaptation at the Village Level in Communities of East Flores, Indonesia.
Brown, Tim. 2015. MESc. This is not about the science: Cultural identity and climate skepticism in the U.S. (National Geographic).
Alhadeff, Alexandra. 2015. MEM. Numb to the World: Degradation Desensitization and Environmentally Responsible Behavior.
LaCerva, Gina. 2015. MESc. Rare and Untamed: The Transformation of Wild into Luxury.
Burow, Paul. 2016. MESc. Saving Buffalo Nation: Settler Colonialism and the Rise of Wildlife Conservation in the American West.
Horstmann, Nina Dewi. 2016. MESc. ‘Kita sudah orang Kalimantan’: Settler-state relations, emplacement and mobility in Indonesia’s transmigration program. (Stanford doctoral program).
Kallio, Enni. 2016. MEM. Human Migration: Implications and Opportunities for Conservation (with IUCN).
Mwaniki/Mwehe, Robert. 2016. MEM. Kasigau Deportation Narrative: Local histories and Their Influence on Natural Resource Management Strategies and Rural Development. (World Bank).
Ahmadnia, Shaadee. MEM. 2016. MEM. Changing Aesthetics in Iran and Veiling Modernity.
Drazen, Erika. 2017. MESc/MBA. Saving a Seat at the Table: Barriers to Women’s Inclusion in REDD+ Readiness in Sri Lanka.
Navalkha, Chandni. 2017. MESc. A Conservation Transition: Autonomy in the Forested Communities of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Klein, William P. 2017. MEM. The nature of nature: Do Perceptions of Nature Vary Among neighborhoods in Baltimore?
Gulbraa, Rachel. 2018. MEM.
Muraida, Caroline. 2017. MESc. Drought, Disease, and Multispecies Entanglements in Northern New Mexico.
Schlager, Noah M. 2018. MESc. Indigeneity at Bear’s Ears, and Indigenous Land Values in the Post-Removal South.
Lazo Ludena, Madyuri Lenka. 2018. MEM. Climate Change and Food Security in Namibia.
Creedon, Corey James. MEM. 2018. MEM. Carbon Trading and Indigenous People in Peru.
Lo, Nick. MESc. 2019. (Masterplans in Myanmar: Infrastructures and Imaginaries along China’s Belt and Road.
Singer, Evan. MESc. 2019. Circulating Risk: Labor Migration, Ecotourism, and Debt in Northeast Vietnam.
Musco, Jenna. 2021. MEM. Higher Education, Appalachia, and the Location of Environmental Responsibilities.
Farley, Lloyd. 2022. MESc. Political Ecology of Prickly Pear in North Africa.
Li, Rosie. 2022. MESc. The Culture and Politics of Covid in New York’s Chinatown.
Bi, Vivian. 2022. MESc. Articulating Citizenship in Beijing: 3 Essays on Food Symbolism, Energy Precarities, and Pollution Politics.
Emlet, Logan. 2022. MESc. Covid and Food Precarity in Northern Nepal.
Commercon, Francis. 2023. MESc. The Science of Connection: Transboundary Conservation in Global Migratory Waterbird Conservation.
Snashall, Gabe. 2023. MESc. Political Chess: Elite Strategy, State Capture, and Crisis Policy Dynamics in Indonesia’s Resource-Driven Landscape.