Ph.D. Candidate, Sociocultural Anthropology & School of the Environment, Yale University
MPhil, Yale University
M.A. Geography, University of Kentucky
B.A. Environmental Studies and French Studies, Wesleyan University
Manon is a student in the combined doctoral program in Anthropology and School of the Environment. Her research examines the cultural politics and ontologies of ‘life’ that surround the creation of human embryos for in vitro fertilization (IVF), in a time punctuated by the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade. As part of her dissertation, she conducted 15 months of ethnographic research (and periodically still conducts fieldwork) in IVF clinics and labs, in the northeast U.S., in the months preceding and following the 2022 Supreme Court Dobbs decision. She has previously conducted research on the politics of population projections and family planning in Madagascar.
Lefevre, Manon. 2023. “Funeral for an Embryo.” Platypus: The CASTAC Blog. 2023. Link.
Lefevre, Manon. 2022. “Making Embryos Lively: The Politics of Embryo Personhood When Fertilization Happens under a Microscope.” Somatosphere. July 6, 2022. Link.
Lefevre, Manon. 2021. “You’ll Find Him in the Sea” in Critical Restoration Geographies [Symposium]. Ed. Christian Keeve, Erin Clancy, Karen S. Kinslow, and Kallista Bley. Antipode Online:
Osborne, Tracey, Samara Brock, Robin Chazdon, Susan Chomba, Eva Garen, Victoria Gutierrez, Rebecca Lave, Manon Lefevre, and Juanita Sundberg. 2021. “The Political Ecology Playbook for Ecosystem Restoration: Principles for Effective, Equitable, and Transformative Landscapes.” Global Environmental Change 70 (September): 102320.
Dove, Michael R., Amy Johnson, Manon Lefevre, Paul Burow, Wen Zhou, and Lav Kanoi. 2019. “Who Is in the Commons: Defining Community, Commons, and Time in Long-Term Natural Resource Management.” In Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management, edited by Ludomir R. Lozny and Thomas H. McGovern, 23–40. Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation. Cham: Springer International Publishing.